Amazing Grace Talk

D'Andra Simmons~Bravo and Hats off to this Dynamic Real Housewives of Dallas

D'Andra Simmons Season 3 Episode 7

I had so much fun interviewing and getting to know D'Andra Simmons from the Real Housewives of Dallas.  Oh, but she is much more than a star on this show.  She is an incredibly kind and compassionate person.  It was fun getting to hear some of the "behind the scenes" situations and was open and honest about the dynamic between the other cast members and how she is doing since the show ended. 

It was particularly interesting to hear about her background and upbringing as a Christian and how she had her own miracle story after falling off of a horse in college.   Listen in and get to see into her life these days.  You are going to love her.

If you would like to reach out to D'Andra you may do so through her contact information below.

Founder CEO
Hard Night Good Morning
Ultimate Living

Official Cast Member of Real Housewives of Dallas
Facebook: D'Andra Simmons
Twitter @dandrasimmons
Instagram: dandrasimmons
TikTok: dandrasimmons
YouTube: dandrasimmons/Simply Simmons

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Well, on today's show, my guest is none other than D'Andra Simmons, who starred in the hit TV show, Real Housewives of Dallas that aired on Bravo TV. I quickly became a big fan and noticed her Christian views and her to speak up and speak the truth about herself. And the life around her, her beauty, her fashion talents, and her entrepreneurial spirit is what drew me back to watching the show each week. Thanks for being on the show Deandra. Oh, yes, Eric. I'm so glad to be here. We've been chatting a little bit on social media, and I finally get to meet you in person. Yeah, you're just as lovely as you are whenever we're talking. Thank you so much. Yeah, I'm from Dallas as well. And now I live in South Dakota. And, and actually, this is a funny thing about the House Posse of Dallas, we, we named our own my daughter's 29. And there's a really cool little town that we're that we live in here. And it's called spearfish. And we call it The Real Housewives of Spearfish. And so, oh my gosh, Spearfish. So Spearfish is where again? Where is that? It's in South Dakota and the Black Hills. I've been there. I've been to black, I've been to South Dakota and the Black Hills. I did a movie. I've been, did a movie about the, Sue Lakota Indians. Yeah, a long time ago. And I had to go interview a bunch of people up there. And, uh, back then there was nothing to eat, but Buffalo burgers and iceberg lettuce. That's what I remember. I was like, what do you people eat here? Every single time I went, it was steak, Buffalo burgers, iceberg lettuce, no vegetables, nothing. I was like, if I had to come up here and do a movie for a long period of time, I'd be in deep trouble. That's why, uh, I think it was, um, Kevin Costner had like, uh, sushi and all kinds of things flown in when he was filming Dances with Wolves. And then he had a restaurant. He had Jake's and he had Diamond Lils. He let that go. But yeah, it's really cool that, uh, my, husband is the biggest fan of, Kevin Costner and he kept saying, Oh, let's go to Kev's place, his restaurant, you know, in Deadwood. Like he knew him. And, uh, but it was the coolest thing because his parents lived here and his mom had come to a Bible study that we were hosting, years ago. And my husband actually ran into him one time at the airport. So that was, I mean, he called me and I thought he was kidding and he got a picture and everything. So his mom came to your Bible study now. Is she a believer? Oh yeah. Oh, so the family's are believers. That's amazing. Yeah, they are. They, his mom and dad used to live in Spearfish and back when we lived here, my daughter was a senior and she was out. And anyway, I walked over and I said, aren't you Mrs. Costner? And she said, Oh yeah. She said, I remember you, your daughter sang praise and worship. And, and her husband says, well, get your coffee and come on over and sit down with this. And so my goodness. My joke is I had breakfast with the Costners, but not really, but sort of, God brings everybody together. When you find out someone's a believer, it's like, okay, we have something in common. And so you feel more safe to about the rapport and about what kind of communication you're going to have. And it's just a safety. If I meet somebody and they say, Oh, I'm a believer, I will open up more to them. That's somebody that's a non believer only because I have that safety and security that God will protect the conversation. And in many ways. I mean, that's not always because there are people that are, um, you know, fraudsters and charlatans. But at the same time, God has given me, the ability to have some intuition about what people are, you know, okay to talk to and communicate and then be able to share my love of Christ and spread the word about, you know, good and bad things in my life. And, you know, I wrote you a long, quote. Um, interview about Real Housewives and that was not the best of my, Christianity on that show, but, and I knew every time I did something wrong or I was bad, you know, that I knew I said, Oh God, why'd I do that? And, then I had to deal with it. I had to pray about it. I had to ask God for forgiveness. And I just had to say, okay, I'm going to move on and do my best the next day or not. Um, it's a long process. Five years on that show and it's very difficult and it's very difficult if you are a believer. And I, think the fame aspect is really hard too, because fame and ego are the worst killers of, a lot of Christians in general and people's, uh, humility goes out the window, you know, that's, that's hard. So, well, you know, I can only imagine I have a, A dear friend of ours. He was like family. And they were on the very first show of trading spouses and what she, yeah, it was Tammy and Yuki Nakamura, and he's a plastic surgeon, you know, in the Dallas area and, you know, who that is. Yeah, I know exactly who it is. Okay. Yeah. So they've been, I've known them since I was 16 and been family friends a long, long time. But, you know, just that one show, I saw what it did to her. So I can only imagine. You know, because they take things and they twist it, you know, and then they make it interesting, you know, I guess, and you're thinking, shoot, I'm, I have to, I have to deal with this now because of what they want to do to make it a good show. And it's all in absence before I know if you've read this in any of my interviews, but it's wash, rinse, repeat, fight, make up, fight again, you know, be friends, fight, make up, it's the same on every franchise, and if you watch all the shows. Um, you can see the, underflowing current and theme are the same in all the shows. So they will have the same experiential things. Like we had an Honest Tea, they'll have that. They have that in Atlanta. All these different things, the different cast trips, things happen the same on all the shows, which I think is a problem with the franchise overall, because it makes it less interesting. And at some point it's going to burn out because you can't keep, Wash, rinse, and repeat the same stories over and over on different franchises. Um, Housewives has, has a timeline and I always said when I joined the franchise, this is so funny, I didn't tell you this, that I had a timeline as a housewife. I don't know if it's one year, two years, five years, ten years, God has that all planned out. But whenever my time does come, I'm ready to step down and it's, That was five years of my life. And I did that for five years and now I'm onto the next thing, but I don't look at it and say, Oh, I wish I was a housewife. Oh, I must be the housewife. Oh, you know, you just think about, it was another thing and I did in my life, but a lot of people can't deal with not being a housewife anymore. That they lose the fame overnight. They lose the notoriety. You're not, when you're not on TV, you're not important. You're not, um, uh, current. So people aren't as excited about you lose followers. And it's, I mean, it's a hard, it's a hard thing. It's very hard for people's ego. Luckily for me, I was an actor before I was not famous as an actor. I've been an actor my whole life. And so I had my time on the stage. My family's also very well known in Dallas. I was on the stage as a local, uh, philanthropist, socialite that, that raised tons of money, always giving speeches, always out in front. I worked for president Bush. So I was always in the forefront, not so much as being a housewife, but I was used to spotlight and when it goes away, it goes away. And I spend time in my home with my doggies and my books and my husband and enjoy my cookie. Exactly. Well, and I'm, I'm sure. I love the part about when you said that you got asked to be on the show and how you prayed about it, how you prayed to ask God's direction. Tell us, tell us a little bit about that, because I think that so many times people, you know, say someone gets asked to do something like that. They may jump and say, yes, I'll do it. But is it really best for them? And did they really ask for God's direction in that? Well, funny thing about it is, I thought, Surely, God, this is not what she wants me to do. No way would this ever go, this would fly past heavenly angels into your realm and you would say yes. But then I thought, well, in my mother, first person, which was my mother, my husband, obviously it said, this is an opportunity that's come to me now. The first year it was airing, I was not on because I declined, not because I wasn't asked. I was literally, they, they begged me to be on the first year. And I said, no, because I was chairing the salvation army luncheon. And I was cheering at Cancer Blows and I was cheering UNICEF all in the same year. That was a lot. And it wasn't fair. I felt like for me to join a reality show in the midst of doing that because they wanted, they wanted to see what was happening in your real life. And there's no way Salvation Army and all these other UNICEF cameras there. And so it was kind of like, that was what was, uh, you know, really taking up my time. So I declined and I said, it's not really fair. But if you want me next year, come back to me and we'll talk. But I had a long time to pray, a long time to think about it. And I also, at the time, didn't really believe, and I still believe that they did not have the right cast to start the show. Uh, I think that's why it's off the air right now. I think they had started with a different cast because most people don't know it was called How to Make It in Dallas. It wasn't Real Housewives. Really? So, yeah, these women were trying to make it, whether it be in the social realm, uh, you know, in the business realm, whatever they had aspiration wise, they were trying to make it in Dallas. Yeah. So I had already made it in Dallas. I really didn't, you know, that didn't fit me. And then, um, they didn't choose then the right, the people that would be, um, I would say very similar to me in Dallas society that should have been on the show that would have done the show if it would have been a different cast. So then you got to start in, they called me in the middle of season one and said, okay, if we're, we're having a struggle, we're having a hard time with this show. If we change it from how to make it in Dallas to real housewives of Dallas and Bravo accepts it, will you be on the show? I said, no, because I told you I have commitments and I don't back. I always. Keep my word people. If I tell you I'm gonna do something, I do it. And I said, and number two, the timing is not right for me. And I, I really still don't believe that you have the right cast. So come back to me next year. I'll talk to you about cast. That's when Cameron and I came together as a package deal. She did, you know, we don't really have a good relationship now, but she did wait for me at the time. And we, we came on together because we knew each other socially and if she's a lot younger than me, so we weren't close friends, but we had been in the junior league and cattle barons and all that together. But so the second season I went on, but I, Whenever they said, okay, we're ready. And then they sent the contract over. It was a matter of praying and I still didn't know what I wanted to do. And for the time I got down to actually signing the contract, I had put so many writers and clauses in my contract, but there's no way any network would sign me. There's no way. I mean, because you understand if you know anything about these contracts, they take a percentage of your business. Did you know that? Of your actual, like your skincare business or any of your Percentage of any business you have. So I did not, I had had a business for since 2008. My mother had a business since, uh, 1998. Why would we give them a percentage of a business? Plus we had been on Christian television. I'm not giving them money from those customers. So it didn't make sense to me. But I also, so I cut that out. I also cut out any future businesses I might have, which, you know, and then I did other things in the contract that I can't remember. It was a long, long list, but, uh, they, I believe one of them was, they couldn't, uh, film me in the bathroom or something. Cause they can, those contracts, they can put my head on a different person's body, different voice. They can do whatever they want with you. So, um, it, it was a very different contract than other people. And so, and then I just was, I thought there's no way. And so I put out a fleece, you know, how Gideon put out a fleece instead of God, if you want me to lead Israel, then you have to put do on this fleece. So God did it. Well, then he said, okay, well, God, I'm still not quite sure. So I'm going to put out another fleece, this is in judges. I'm going to put out another fleece and you're going to have to do it again. And God doesn't like to be tested, but God, sure enough, didn't forget. And there was due the next day as well. So I put out several fleeces, so they would call me. This is the funny part. And I'll wrap it up. They would call me and say, okay, we agreed to, you know, this percentage or whatever be, we're not taking a percentage of the business. And I'd be, well, what about this? This is, well, we're not really, we're not going to do that. And I said, well, sorry, call me back when you're serious. And then my daddy used to say, good Southern man. Well, when you're ready to come to the lick log, then we'll talk. So the last conversation and I kept putting out a fleece, okay, God, if they come back and you let me do this, they do this, they do this. So I said, you know what? Don't call me back. I said, i'm not doing the show. I said, if you, when you're ready to come to the lick log and you accept every single thing in that contract, then we'll do the show. But until then, I don't want to do the show because I don't need you. I said, I have already, I'm established in Dallas. I have my own money. I don't need this, this program. And the only reason I did it is because I thought, well, it would be really good for me with my businesses and it would help, but my businesses were doing well. This is way before the pandemic and we were on Christian TV. And also I thought I really wanted to go back into acting and it would give me on screen time where I could when I would meet with agents I didn't have enough followers to get signed up and all these different things. So, I just, and then God just did everything he did all of it, all of it, and I thought, Oh God, really. Because I was hoping you'd say no. And everything, everything lined up for you to do it. So, was your, you were on five years, was it five seasons or five years? I was on four seasons and five years of filming. So, I filmed the first year that I didn't do, part of the first year. I filmed the last season that we didn't show, which was all of the, um, I filmed with all the new potential cast members that they didn't, then they didn't renew the contracts for anybody. So I did a lot of filming in the summer after 21. So we wrapped in April of 21. And then that whole summer I filmed and I filmed with almost every potential person that they were going to hire. And I knew that they weren't going to continue the show because In my heart, I believe that they needed more people to look at. And I told the producer, I said, you're not going to get the show back because you, they need more people to look at. There's just not enough people. Cause I can tell, I know who's good on camera. You gotta understand. I'm a producer. That's why I can do this. I'm a producer and I went to directing school. Yeah. I can tell by looking at somebody on camera, if they're going to make it in five minutes or not. And there was some people that were not going to make it. I can just tell you, Bravo was going to say, no, Andy was going to say, no, I knew it. And I specifically called out the people that weren't going to make it and they didn't make it well, then they needed to replace three people at least. So, cause they need six people. We didn't have three to replace. So they're not going to take, you know, two and a half then work that way. Yeah. So unfortunately that was, I think the real reason. The other reason is they had a lot of racial undertones on our show, which unfortunately didn't, you know, people just didn't, um, behave the way they should. And, um, it was, that's, that was very unfortunate. I think, I think at the time in our country, which is still very prevalent, Um, it was very sensitive. So honestly, I just said, look, let me take this as a teachable moment and stop. I don't question, just let me hear your experience because I don't know your experience. I didn't grow up like you. So let me know your experience. And I learned so much more by doing that than by digging my heels and say, I've never done anything wrong my whole life. I'm fine. You know, that's not how you handle things like that. So I really had a growing, uh, I had a lot of growth in that time for me and learning about other cultures and other people that grew up in our country that, that had different experiences that were immigrants. I mean, it was great for me, but unfortunately it wasn't great for the rest of the girls in the show. Right. Was the, I guess the last season was, was her name Tiffany, the doctor? Was that my friend? That was my friend who I believe I could have done better by Knowing these women had problems with her and fighting about things that were very unimportant on the big realm of things. Um, I also, um, I think I should have just said, okay, I'm hearing what you're saying. Why don't I put a dinner together and let's talk a real conversation? Yeah. Why do you have these, what are questions that you have and how can we fix this? The other reason I really believe that it didn't come back is that no one knew, but my mother was, was ill during that time. And I had to call Bravo and tell them. And it was, she was diagnosed and I'm not going to talk about but she was other reason I believe the show probably wasn't renewed at the time is because my mother is almost like the seventh housewife. She's just as important as anyone else. In fact, she's way more popular than me. So, I mean, I admit it. I'm like right on her coattails. That's great. You know, make her the star. I do not care because guess what? I still get the benefit. I'm not stupid. Yeah. I thought he was. She was sitting down. I was at a bar and I'll pascal and she was sitting a few rows, you know, a few seats down and I was going to go talk to her and I didn't I don't want to bother her at dinner. But she was she had been diagnosed with an illness at that time. She's 82 years old. I'd called the network and told them what was happening. I want to be honest with them because I felt like it was very important that I was always honest with the network the whole time. I don't have anything bad to say about the network. I know that right now there's a mhm. Horrible article out Vanity Fair about housewives and reality TV and people taking advantage and what these networks do to you. But everything, once again, God drives my life. So everything is what I do. And what I say is my mistake and my choice. And I have free will. If I want to drink too much on the show, which I did several times, that's my free will. I make the mistake. I get up the next day and say, Oh my gosh, what'd I do that? Yes, there are drinks available. Yes, there are different things, but you choose to do what you want to do. And, um, so I never have like. I have a great relationship with NBC. I have a great relationship with Bravo. I have a great relationship with the vice president, everybody else, and the producers. I don't have anything bad to say. All I have bad to say is, D'Andra didn't necessarily behave in her best interest the entire time, but that's what you're looking for anyway. So, Bravo to me. Yeah, that's cute. Bravo to me. I love that. Well, I know, I think, um, the one of the times I reached out to you was when I saw some things going on between you and your mother and, you know, I've been close with my mom for years like you and your mom are, but we have had Yes. Mothers and daughters can have those. And I was, I remember that's when I reached out. Cause I was like, you know, about, I don't even remember. It's been a long time ago, but I was asking things about that. And was that really real? And was that really your relationship and things like that? And, you know, I think that really. Spoke volumes that you were just so honest because I was like, wow, I can't believe, you know, her mom saying that to her or acting like that to her and how that all happened. And then, and then you just said, you know what, that's just how it goes. I mean, well, I also it's funny because I got so much support from people that had difficult relationships with the parent and most of the time was the mother. Um, I'm an only child. So you can imagine how close we are. We're also very, very much alike in many ways and very much not like in other ways. So there's both. You've got both dynamics. Also, I, I wanted to, it was very hard for you. I thought it was important to show that because then other people could say, Oh, I'm not the only one that has this crazy relationship going on with my mom. Now, when you said something positive to me, on the other hand, I have a bunch of people that said negative to me. How could you, how could you talk to your mother like that? That's horrible. I can't believe you did that. I can't believe you're a disgusting, awful person. I mean, I had one recently, disgusting, awful human being. I can't believe you talked to your mother like that. And by the way, you're not as famous as you think you are. I'm just like, what did you just say I was famous? I think it's, you know, it's just, You get two different sides and most of the time, like I told you on the bowling on social media, it's not even that person. It's somebody else or somebody pretending to be somebody else. So I can take it with a grain of salt. Now, um, the first, I think the first thing that the woman said was, uh, she sent me one message and she said, I don't like your, um, your Instagram stories. Um, I think you shouldn't call out people that you shouldn't be caught your friends, the background, nobody cares. I'm thinking, well, why are you watching? And why, yeah, that's why I said, I told her, I said to unfollow me. If you don't want to watch my stories and follow me, you don't have to. Nobody's forced. I go, nobody has a gun to your head is making you watch my stories. And why are you watching? You hate me so much. And that's when she started on my mom and this, and nobody likes me. And I'm so unpopular. That's just typical. It goes down that rabbit hole. And then I just delete her, you know? Yeah, you can't win those people. But my mom and I have been through what I will tell you. And I said, I told you on my interview before, when I wrote it out, we conquered things and discuss things that we would never, ever discuss for conquer in real life, because we them under the rug like everybody else does. My mom is old school person. She's eight years old. She's not the person that she's one of those people. Like my dad didn't want to go to a lot of counseling. You know, that's kind of not their generation. We are the people that my generation, I'm 54. I put everything out there. And my husband said, you know, the optimal overshare. I tell way too much stuff about myself, which made me good on reality TV. Yeah. But so it's two different generations. My grandmother and mother used to say, don't don't air your dirty laundry like and Landers said, and then I would do all that. But I believe it was really cathartic. We discussed things, they didn't necessarily always come to the resolution I was hoping, but at the same time. We talked and then we moved past it and moved on. And I think we're at a better place. We do have a very close relationship. We talk every day, call her either to check on her, see how she is, what she's doing, um, she has a lot of friends and a big social group, and then we go to dinner, try to go to dinner once a week. And then also we go to church on Sundays and we go to a lunch after, after church. Oh, that's great. Well, you know what? I'm 54 as well. And my mom's 83. That's great. So we're right about there. And, you know, it's, um, it, my daughter is an only child now, you know, and her dad, he just has not been in her life that much, but we are, we've got that, you know, really close dynamic. I mean, the reason why I moved up to South, back to South Dakota is because she lives, she and her husband are five miles from me and they're having their first baby, uh, in January. Yeah. Yeah. So that's exciting, but you know, that closeness, it can be a push pull, but I think that forgiveness is key in a lot of things, even. I know it has been for me to get through forgiveness for, you know, things in the past. And I know that's helped a lot. So when forgiveness doesn't make sense is probably when you need to forgive the most. And yes, that also has happened to me with regards to the housewives. There's a lot of women I don't want to forgive, but I have to forgive because God commands me to do it in the Bible. But just because you forgive doesn't mean you forget or you go back to abuse and relationships. That's the most important thing I want to say today is that you, okay. are required to forgive people, but you do not have to go back to an abusive relationship and stay involved. Whether it be a friendship, a spouse, a partner, you can create boundaries in a family relationship. Um, there are so many things you can do to protect yourself and not continue the abuse. Yeah, that's absolutely true. And I talk about that in my book that that I have out and it's about, you know, creating boundaries because a lot of people do get stuck and saying, you know, I don't want to forgive them because they did this to me and I, how could I ever forgive them? Of course, first and foremost, like you said, Jesus forgave, you know, God forgave us. We are commanded to forgive, but also it doesn't mean that you establish a relationship sometime. And, you know, I've had to do that quite, quite a bit with family members. And you know what? It ends up being the healthiest later on. It's hard at the time to create that boundary to maybe not be around that person for a while. But when you do that and you go off on your own and you pray about it and you let God take care of it rather than you trying to take care of it. It ends up being a lot, more positive than the outcome than it would have been if you would have pushed to try to do it yourself. That's what I found for me. And it also, it doesn't, it hurts you more than it hurts the other person because they don't care. So what you're doing is you're letting that bitterness eat you up inside. And when, if you just forgive them and move on and just, you know, move on with your life, you don't have to suffer anymore. So that's where I am with the people that have hurt me. I just, you know, I just have forgiven them. I have moved on. I do not think about it or them unless it's being brought up to me and then I will go back a little bit, but I will not go back and allow myself to be in a situation. I have very close close circle of friends and colleagues. Some of my friends have been in my life since I was 12 years old, believe it or not, my other friends are. people that have developed or are, you know, over the years we've dealt, developed friendships. I have 30, so 30 something years. My friend grew up from college. We still are on a chat. We chat every day. Yeah. It's like 12 girls on a chat. So I have long lasting friendships, which On the show, it doesn't seem like that because they're not showing that, but I do have very long lasting friendships. I've never had a fight with some of these girls or guys ever. I mean, just don't do that, you know, so funny. I understand. That's great. So tell us about your, okay. And then we'll move on to some other things and all the cool things that you're doing now. I mean, that you were doing and then have grown, and then things that you're doing now and you've added to, so. Things that I get to see and follow on Instagram that are really cool. But tell us, um, your very first, I mean, not your very first, your very favorite moment or your very favorite memory of being on Real Housewives of Dallas, the most fun, or let's see, what was the most fun? Um, yeah, I think the first, um, my first season was the most fun because it was uncharted territory. Yeah. And it was, you never know what's going to happen and you become famous overnight. So, and then you have people just blowing up your phone on your direct messages. Oh, I love you. Oh my gosh. I really didn't have any hate. I didn't have any hate the first season. three or four messages. Then the one season I started getting a lot of hate and it flipped where it was more hate to negative to positive was the second season. So my first season, which was the second season, it was a lot of fun. And we went to, I think we went to Mexico. We had a blast. Um, We did, we did a lot of fun things. And I, when you start a reality show the first year, you're usually not going to be the center of, um, attack. So you get to breathe the first year. Now the formula is the second year, you're going to be at the center of attack. Okay. And then you get to breathe again for maybe one or two years and you're going back to be a center of attack again. so I was, I tended after the second year to continue to be the center of attack for some reason. I think the third season they went easy on me. They went easy on me on the third season because the second season was really hard. Um, and if you noticed at the, the second season, I sat next to Andy, the third season I was at the end of the couch. Well, there was a reason because I really didn't, they kind of kept me out of all of the, um, the arguing and everything that season. So, and that's how you get. You're, you're sat in different places. And they also didn't want me to sit there and fight with Leanne again the whole time, because they just didn't want that. So, um, and then the next, the last season was. Not easy for me because it was, I was trying to defend Tiffany the whole time and nobody really understood that and they didn't understand Tiffany's a working woman like I am. So she has a job, a family, a professional career. It's a lot different than, um, So, uh, she, her time is, uh, you know, in days is, is meted out in different ways and other women. So I think people were, well, she, she has to only work at this time. She can only do this. You know, she's an anesthesiologist. She gets it five. She can't film during the day. That's, you know, that's what she does for a living. Yeah. So, um, but. It was the most fun. The trips were usually pretty fun, except for when we went to Copenhagen. That was a nightmare for me. Let me think. We went to Thailand. That was, parts of that were fun. Parts were not so fun. My birthday when I turned 50. It was a blast. We went to Carrie's home in Mexico as well. That was really fun. Was that the glass that got broken? There was some place that there was a glass that somebody went through. That was the last season. That was okay. That was so funny. That was the very last season at South Fork. And yeah, that's what it was. I had gone to bed and Brandy and Carrie were up, you know, doing their shenanigans late at night, which are usually really funny, but we were told not to go into this particular part of the house that had that glass there. And they, of course they went across the glass, you know, had too many cocktails and then fell into the glass. And. And then I, because I was the senior at that point, I was the one that was made to, I was the senior person, like literally 10 years older than anybody, except, no, Carrie was close to my age. I was meant to call out everyone. Well, Carrie and I had been fighting all season long. Last thing I wanted to do was call Carrie out because she was going to get so hot headed about it, but she did. Yeah, I had to, they, they tell you, okay, now ask him, do this, do that. You know, and then they have, it is true that if you're not saying the right things, they'll put up the phone and it'll say, ask her why her husband was here or whatever it is. You're like, I don't know. Yeah. The trips, that was definitely fun. And you know, I don't even watch, other. housewives of Beverly Hills or anything. I think I just started watching it originally because I'm from Dallas and I thought, Oh, this is fun. And then I got hooked in and it was always fun to see. Oh, have I been to that restaurant or have I been to that place? That was really kind of fun for me to just I don't know. Check out and see. And then, yeah, sometimes the fights got, of course, I love seeing all the beautiful ladies and just like your lives and the fashion and things like that. But then the fight, sometimes it's like enough with fights. Yeah. And you know, that's the thing is like, that's what they think that viewers want to see are more fights. I thought what was different about our franchise was the comedic aspect of it. Yeah. I thought it was funny. Lighthearted. Brandy and Stephanie surely had a really great dynamic that they brought to the show. It was fun. I had a lot of fun with Brandy. We're still good friends. Yeah. So I enjoyed her, but Brandy also like me had been a performer. She was Dallas Cowboy cheerleader and a performer. So she knew the formula. So we always fought and I knew what she was doing and I get real mad at her. And I thought, Oh, she knows the formula just like me. So I should just let it go, you know, let it happen and then let it go, move on. So kind of, that's how we did it. But everybody else carried the fights and everything and the grudges. Season after season after season, they're still carrying it. I've moved on. I'm like, what we thought about that four years ago. What are you talking? I don't even know what you're talking about. So I think that was a big downfall too, is that we didn't let things go from season to season. But you know, it was, and then the other thing that was really fun was after being aired and people knew you were a housewife to go in public. And it just was like. Crazy. I mean, state fair or my people, you know, people come up and Oh, what a picture. Oh, start crying, start crying. Little kids would cry. I was like, what's a four year old watching the show is not appropriate for a four year old watch the show. And to see that kind of attention and that adoration. And I mean, obviously it's intoxicating and addictive. You can just, I mean, you know, that's why it's so hard for people to leave because it's golden handcuffs. And it's, I mean, there's so many, um, things that you like about, about being famous and about having these opportunities and these doors open, these free things, these things paid for, free to do. I mean, it's just, it's a really, a different experience that not everybody in this world is going to be having. And, um, whether it's through Housewives or something else, when you become famous overnight, your life changes. Yeah. Uh, sorry. I'm just still laughing about the pictures in the four year old watching. That is so funny. Yeah, crying, crying. I'm like, you're my favorite as a performer. How can I be your favorite? Yeah, how can you be? You're not supposed to even be up at that time. So, as I've, you know, when the show ended, and of course, I still continue to follow you on Instagram and everything and I've watched. I'm just like, is there anything that you don't do? It's like you're a chef and I'm going, I can't, I'm not a chef and I'm not, my husband cooks. My husband does all the cooking and I'm very blessed in that. I like to cook for parties. But not daily. It's just too much to deal with. But, you know, I, the, the cooking, the skincare, the, um, just everything that you have going on. I mean, you said, you know, you're acting and you've done that a long time, but when that show ended, what changed?.......... I actually did have more time in my schedule because understand it seems like we don't we're shooting primary principle photography for about four months. Yeah, that is five days a week. And that means you're going to work three to five days a week, depending on what schedule they send you. Oh, that's a lot. Be two to three scenes a day, it could be one seat a day, you can have a day off, it's you only have Sundays and Mondays, but when you're having two days off, they're calling you all day long about your story, and they're taking notes. And I was doing this. I was also thinking about everything that happened over the week and what I would have to do the next week to follow up, what conversations I was going to have to have, who I was going to have to confront. And then I would write it down. I'm older. I don't, can't remember everything. So I would write mine down and make my notes and say, okay, this week I want to cover this, this, and this. Also, it made it easier on the producers. Now people get mad. Oh, you scripted the show. No, I didn't script the show. This is what happened. This is what I want to talk about. This is how to get to the point quickly, because I know where they're going instead of wasting people's time. And you know, it just, for me, it was a more efficient because I did have to run a skincare company and a nutrition company, which was different than everybody else. And I had to influence and I had to make appearances. So I had to figure out how is all this going to fit into my day and make the most of their time productions, very expensive. And that's how I said, I have a producer's lens. So wasting people's time is not something I like to do because I know how much it costs per day. I mean, we're, we're talking to show that. At the minimum is a million dollars an episode and probably way more for like if you're talking LA or New York or Atlanta, we were in the low end. So we're talking a million up per episode. So that's a lot of time, manpower and cost for, for a production. To do one episode, it's a minimum of a million dollars. Yeah, yeah, a minimum. So, and I think more, probably a lot more in other cities, but just because we didn't have a higher budget. But after that, I thought when I was on the show, to go back to your question, how can I make the most of this? What am I going to do when this is over? Yes, I'm going to go back to acting. Also, I love to cook. So every season I made sure there was a cooking scene in one of the season's episodes. And my husband and I would do cooking competitions. I remember I had to cook at, someplace in Austin where we went, I was in charge of cooking the dinner. And so I'd always be doing that because that way I could say I am a housewife chef or cook. Yeah. Then when it was, when it was over, I didn't decide to go to culinary school. They have like an executive program at Dallas college is very good here. It's one of the best top 10 in the United States. So I went there and I went at four in the morning or I got up at four in the morning, went there at six. From six until nine, I was at culinary school. Then I came home and I'm not a morning person, just so you know. And, uh, I was at home at nine and then I could do my bit, my day. And then also practice my recipes to go back the next day. Um, and then, then we'd have tests and different things like that. And then costs, food costs, which is a math is not my thing, you know, costs and all those kinds of things. But that would be able to give me the French background, the culinary background, the basic knowledge. And then I decided that I wanted to learn barbecue because I was emceeing barbecue festivals at a casino in the Pacific Northwest. I got, I got introduced to a gentleman that owns a marketing company and he hired me to do the Alanae Barbecue Fest, then the Alanae Brew Fest. And then I went to Mohegan Sun and did an appearance there. So I started doing these different festivals and emceeing and I met all these barbecue people and these chefs. And I thought, you know, there's not a lot of women in barbecue and it's not like you have to go to the CIA. You, you have to study and learn, but, and I bet I could get these guys to teach me how to do it. I ended up in barbecue and then I found out there was a lot of nice women in barbecue that were also willing to share their stories and their secrets and invited me to their teams. So I've been competing in barbecue for a couple of years, not a lot because of my time. But I went to Memphis in May and competed in whole hog. We got 10th this year. I got to inject the hog and season the hog. And then, um, I didn't have to babysit all night. Thank goodness. I mean, somebody has to stay there all night and watch it cook. That's, that's not my job. I don't want to do that. I'm too old for that. Um, and then, we've gotten like next week I'll be in Charleston. I'll be doing Holy smokes. Festival, which is, I don't know what I'm cooking. They haven't given me my recipe yet. I've been at World Food Championship as a judge. I'm a judge with the SCA, State Competition Association, Terlingua. I judge a lot of different things. I did Food Network, Michael Simon Show, Barbecue USA, where I was a judge. So, I'm really enjoying it and I have not done a lot recently because of the move. So now that we're getting the house set up, we will start doing more videos and, and things of that nature. Yeah, it looked like you, uh, well, first of all, I don't even know, do you sleep? I don't actually, that's a problem. You don't sleep very, because I mean, there's people in, in my life, my close friends that say, you You know, they're always talking about my schedule and I don't know, how do you do all this stuff and I'm hearing your schedule and I'm like, Oh gosh, that's, that must be what it sounds like to them, but that that is amazing. And I love the whole barbecue thing I mean you're everything you cook I'm wanting to go okay. Okay. Can't she just make that somehow that people can buy it? Well, I'm working on rubs and sauces. And like I said, when I get my catch the kitchen finished up here, I do live fire cooking. So the chef I was in culinary school with is from Argentina and we decided to partner together in a company called fire show. So we're doing really cool. Yeah, private chef experiences, we'll be doing rubs and sauces and all that together. So that's coming around the corner. It's just a matter of fitting all this in my schedule and getting this house to where I'm not. They're still working on my kitchen right now. Like today, it's, if you heard all the noise in the background. No, I didn't hear it, but I did see a preview. I think you did a walkthrough on, uh, and it looks beautiful. It looks, although it's like, so it's, it's so large. It's like so many steps from here. You're going to get all your steps taken care of just walking around your home. Well, in the back, the backyard is about an acre. So I built, I have a lot of land for growing vegetables, bees, a lot of more barbecue pits and tools and things. My, my husband's like, I don't want this to be a barbecue university in the backyard. Okay. So we're not having all this stuff. I go, Oh, you, you travel a lot. When you come home, you may notice something that changes. It's okay. Yeah. You may notice something now that's funny. And by the way, I saw his commercial. That's pretty amazing. Oh, isn't it awesome. So you won't believe this, Erica. I was, I kept telling him, cause he looks so good. I said on television, you're like the silver Fox. You could get all this work. Oh, no, he wouldn't do it. So finally I talked him into putting his headshots on casting networks and actors access. My agent then. You know, he wants more headshots, but Jeremy's too busy, even though he's a photographer, so my agent was like, I need new, new headshots. In the meantime, Jeremy just signed up on casting networks and submitted himself for two commercials, the second job Toyota commercial he got. Okay, he looks amazing in a cowboy hat. He can't stand country music. I'm like, you are going to do this. So he did. And now he's like, not so bad being an actor. I kind of like this, you know, I mean, he saw himself, I can tell that big grin. And so now he got, he is also the face of Colwell Banker Real Estate. He just did that. Um, I mean, he's just getting stuff all the time and he would probably get more, but he has been working and traveling. So he hasn't been able to do the auditions or do the actual shoots. We just did a, an audition yesterday or day before yesterday for Super 8, I think motels or something. Uh, so it was, it was fun. We got to be stupid and crazy on camera together. For Super 8, lookie there. Yeah, exactly. So he's. He's um, I think Jeremy, if he could have more time, would do a lot more work. And I think now he's going to be taking action classes with my teacher and my agent. If he said, oh my gosh, he said, I won't say the word he said with your blank blank photos, you're still getting all this work. I need some new photos. You think he could make some time for some headshots. Right, exactly. Yeah. Or something. Now, okay, so I could not believe when I saw your pictures on that billboard in Times Square. And I was like, is that when I, the reason why I didn't mean that, you know, I didn't mean that like disrespectfully saying, is that real? But so many times there's things people can put things on, like a friend of mine put her picture on the side of a bus, you know, whatever. And I, and so that's why I was just like, that is the coolest thing ever. I mean, that must be. That would be one of my all time favorite things is to be in Times Square. It was on my bucket list. I always wanted it because I lived in New York and studied as an actor and was a model for so long. And I always wanted my picture on a billboard, but I was always too short or it wasn't my time or whatever it was. And to do that at 54 years old, it just, and it happened just so haphazardly. I luckily met this amazing photographer, Lori Sapio, who lives in Chicago. We met at a friend's wedding shower here in Dallas, and she's come up and introduced herself and she said, Oh, I'd like to do a photo shoot with you. And I was like, okay, fine, whatever. You know, I needed new photos because Jeremy is working all the time. He can't always do my photos and it's good to have other. Photographers as well. Plus Jeremy says I'm his worst client ever. And he can't stand to take photos of me cause he doesn't like to Photoshop anything. So, um, so Lori did a photo shoot with me and then I was in Chicago for a barbecue festival where I was, um, there, I was covering it for social media, Windy City Smokeout. And so she arranged a photo shoot at Duck Duck Goat, which is owned by Stephanie Izzard. Fabulous. Chef, she was a pop chef. And so we went to her place and did the photo shoot. Didn't, I didn't think anything about it. Just went on my way. Next thing I know, I start getting all these, the first photo shoot that she did, by the way, I got a magazine cover and I thought, well, how'd this happen? So every time she was submitting photos, I was either getting big campaigns or in the magazine or magazine covers. And so she's been continuously shooting now. This last one was Estee magazine is a fashion magazine and they also have billboard and they asked to put the photo on billboard. So that was really cool. Unfortunately it didn't stay up very long, but it was like a day or something like that, but I don't care. I'll take the day, but I did it and it's checked off, check off, you know? And yeah, but you have it recorded. So it will never die. Exactly. We almost didn't because we, I didn't know what time it was going to be up. I didn't have anybody over there. I could not get to. From Dallas to there. Cause I was busy. So we were trying to find somebody to go do it, but they did. So we got it. Got it. You got it. That is so cool. I love that. Well, oh my goodness. I don't even know. I mean, there's so many things now. Wait, tell me real quick again. What does that mean? The fire shows? What is, what are you actually doing? Are you doing it yet? So we, we will be, we could do it tomorrow if somebody wanted us to do it. I don't have a package that I've, a proposal that I put out there on the internet, but it's, um, fire live fire cooking. So if you wanted to hire us to come to your house for a private dinner party, and you wanted like hanging Tomahawk steaks, or you wanted a full lamb on acid door, we could do all that with live fire. And so we would do, it's, it's part of a presentation and theater in addition to the wonderful wine and food and that we provide. So, and Segundo from Buenos Aires, he went to French culinary school. So he's kind of, he's my mentor and my teacher. So together we work really well. That is so, sounds like a blast. And I mean, you're going to have to clone yourself somehow because I don't know how people will start booking and then you're not going to have time to do them all. Yeah, I don't know how that's even going to happen. Your skincare. Okay. I always get this twisted hard night. Good morning. Yes. Everybody they call hard days. Night. Everything you could hard, hard night. Good day. I mean, I had to look at it because I twist it all the time. Hard, not good morning. How long has that product been out? Or is it an, it's an entire skincare line? Yeah, I've had that skincare line since 2008, believe it or not, but you've got to look back. I had been through the ringer with regards to businesses. This in 2008, when I started that company, the real estate crash happened. You remember that all the mortgages and everything. So nobody was taking your skincare lines. Nobody was buying anything. I had one product. I thought I was going to eat it all. And then Whole Foods came to me and they took my line on. Well, they had me compete with Dr. Hausch at the time, and I believe they don't even carry that anymore. So they kind of got rid of their luxury skincare. So we sell just a few skews at Whole Foods, but only in the Southwest, not in the other regions. Um, I just, the people would turn over so often. I'd go in there and educate people and, and the Whole Foods stores, and then they'd be gone. And I'd have to go re educate, re educate. It was just a lot for me. So now people five because they know the brand. And it's just like I said, the Southwest. So, um, it's natural aloe vera based it's high in botanicals and actives. And I keep the last two years, I've come out with three new products. I've come out with an amino bright, which is a resurfacing cream, the skin repair cream, uh, burning the midnight oil, which is an oil, um, adjunct therapy, hydration to all your other products. And then I, uh, S3, which is, um, three sets of, uh, essential oils. So different ones that I created, yeah, three essential oils and which one, which one is the, the essential oils in which product then? So it's in Hard Knocked Morning, but it's called S3E S S T H R E E cause S and three. And then it has something called into the woods. Uh, which is kind of like, a thieves kind of, detoxing for the house. You've got a flower bomb, which is a spicy floral and you've got happy dance, which is a really, um, Uplifting aroma for I use it when I work and when I need it, you know invigoration and my in my attitude attitude adjustment Yeah, it does. It's great stuff. That's awesome. I love essential oils and But I definitely, I can't really, I don't know when is this going to air, but Amino Brite just won a huge award, but I'm not allowed to mention it until the middle of November. So I don't know if it'll be after that. So on November 14th, I'll just let you know. We will be able to announce that we won best skin repair cream of the year, 2, 500 products. So I'm very proud of that. 500 products. Yes. Very, very, very excited about that. So, um, I'm, I'm, we're gearing up for that coming up and I hope to God it sells out. I don't want anymore. I want it all to sell out and then have to reorder because I just want it to be that popular. That sounds, that sounds good. I know I glanced last night online and I thought, Oh, there's a whole, cause I thought it was just one or two pieces. And then I thought, Oh, it's a whole line. So who knows? I may have to go in there and order some and check it out. And give it a try. Well, I'll send you, I'll send you the product that I'm talking about. So you can, if you want to post about it, if you like it and tell people about it, I would appreciate it. I mean, I can't, I can't make you post about it, but if you like it, please do. Yeah, no, that would be great. You know, because you were in the skincare business. Yep. There you go. I mean, yeah, for sure. And, and, you know, even though I'm not in that industry anymore, I still, I retired from it, but I still get people. People know that that was my history. I still do permanent makeup. And I taught for over 30 years, eyebrows, eyeliner, lips. I did all that. So, you know, I'm still in that industry a little bit and people are always asking. So it's a great thing to great as you can recommend. that works, because we both know there's a lot of things out there that just don't work, don't work. I know I have a whole, you know, that is it called the 10, 000 junk drawer product because I have to try everything. So it's my graveyard of everything. Yes, the graveyard, the graveyard. Yes, the graveyard. Yes, I worked in Nordstrom many times or a couple of times, Neiman's and some of those creams, you're like, mm hmm. You're going to spend how much on that? And it's going to do what? Nothing, nothing, exactly. Nothing unless it's really active. Well, if you have just a few more minutes, I wanted to, unless there's something else you wanted to share, um, I wanted to ask you about one more thing, but you tell me if there's something you would like to share. Um, I just would like for people that are watching this to just, um, continue to pray for, for me and God's favor in my life and direction because, um, It's been a hard few years. Real Housewives is very hard and then coming out of Real Housewives and trying to Having a small business is difficult for anybody. I mean female and small businesses are really challenging. So Um, and I I want whatever is supposed to happen in my life Which all these doors are still opening for acting things like that I would just continue to have god's favor And that this would be my My time in my life, that would be my time of the sun because, and, and I mean that not in a matter of fame and fortune, but I mean that in a matter of grace, mercy, God's favor, and that I will be remembered for being a person that people, um, looked up to and aspire to, and that we're. We're inspired by, you know, and for good reasons, not bad reasons. And then I would also be, a good friend, a good wife, a good daughter, and, um, just someone that, um, others want to emulate because of my behavior. Wow. So pray for, pray for that. Just pray for God's favor. How's that? Absolutely. Brian. Yes, absolutely. And I'm sure that, you know, and his will and his will, that's the most important thing is his will. And his will in your life. Yes. That was beautiful. And I heard you get emotional over that because I know, I know what, you know, I can tell what kind of person you are just from, you know, just, I don't know you personally, but just from even this interview, just knowing your heart and heart for Jesus and what you want him to do in your life and through your life and how you see how other people see you. So that's really, that speaks volumes about you. And, um, yeah. Thank you for sharing with us all of these great things and all the fun talk about Real Housewives of Dallas, but also about your faith and, um, how you walk, how you walk through life. Well, God has a plan. You know, I told you for, I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, Jeremiah 29, 11, my favorite ever verse. He also says that he formed us before we were ever formed in the whim and he were fearfully and wonderfully made. And he knew exactly what he had made us for what purpose. And I believe that. I also believe that Psalms, um, 30, 37 and four, if you follow me, I'll give you the desires of your heart. And God knows that I've desired to be in the career I'm in since I was four years old. And I believe that he's going to honor me. Because I'm a follower of his. Yes, absolutely. Um, the story, I know we're about to close this out, but the story, gosh, the story about you falling off that horse, when I read that, when you sent that over to me last night, I just had to stop and it was just so beautiful to hear how you came from a family of People praying for you and then friends prayed for you. And, um, I don't know what a hunter it says you were, uh, yeah, so I was an equestrian in college. In addition to going to college, I went to a school where it was very famous for Olympic athlete riders. So I was riding there half a day and then going to school the rest of the day. A hunter and jumper is somebody that jumps over fences. So if you look at the, at the, um, Olympics, you'll see that. And then the hunts are, are box hunt kind of things that they emulate in these competitions. And, um, so I was there, I was practicing for a meet that weekend. I did not have my horse. I had another horse. And it was a school horse and it was abused. And so I fell off the horse cause it freaked out over the jump and I landed on my back and I broke my back, but I was paralyzed from the waist down. And the doctor, I did the same kind of thing that Christopher Reeve did. Do you remember he had that accident horse? So I was paralyzed. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't eat. I was in the hospital in Lynchburg, Virginia, tiny hospital for three or four months and didn't know if I would ever walk. The doctors weren't sure they didn't do surgery because they couldn't even touch my spinal cord. So I laid there for many months. Had a lot of prayers, was angry at God at that point, really angry. and I went through a lot of times in my life where I've been angry at God, didn't believe in God, mad at God, was back to God. I mean, ups and downs. Sure. And I remember my grandmother, I grew up in Pentecostal, not, not Baptist church, Pentecostal church. So there was dancing in the aisles. There was, there was tongues that were singing to pray and everything. My grandfather was a prophet. So he would interpret the people that would speak in tongues. Sure. And, um, so my grandmother was calling every day and praying. I remember that. So she was alive. She was calling the Liberty university was down the street, even though I went to sweep briar and having pastors come over and pray for me and the prayer team of the kids. So remember Glenn, my stepfather, my dad who raised me came to visit once. And he told me to take the tubes out of my nose. Cause they were feeding me through a tube. And then basically after that, I just walked. It was a miracle. I mean, I just, they stopped feeding me through the tubes. He just said, we're not doing this anymore. Take those tubes out of her. And, um, I miraculously walked again and it was a lot of recovery though. I had to have surgery in 2004, but I've never had back pain, not much anymore. I mean, where everybody else for their age has the same back pain I have. Um, so that was a miracle from God. And that's when I knew, I think, even though I went through ups and downs after that and make bad decisions, like everybody does, that God still. Wanted something from my life. Um, that, you know, not that you couldn't have something for your life. You're paralyzed. I'm just saying he wanted something different from my life, you know, then for me to be that, that wasn't my story. Everybody has a story. So that wasn't my story. And if it had been my story, I would have figured it out because that's the kind of person I am. And I would have gone with my life, told my story and lived my life. But that wasn't, he wasn't finished with me and I could have died. I mean, honestly, I could have done. And so it was just. It was a really, um, difficult time and I missed my whole, most of my sophomore year of school. And that was the only year that I didn't get a 3. 8 or 3. 9. So I didn't graduate with high honors, unfortunately, because of my grades that year. But, um, I was always a straight A student, high honors. And, uh, that kind of went. Good reason you were out. I bet. I mean, you know, that's the other thing too, is so many times in this day and time, just in our world, we think that miracles are not possible. People think, well, we do you and I, and a lot of people around us do, but there are people that think that that was just for biblical times that that was not for now. And we, you know, the power of prayer and the power of people believing, um, that you can be healed is. Huge. And it, and it, and it happens. I mean, I had a woman on my show that had MS for 20 years, 20 medications and was in a wheelchair and a lot of spiritual growth. She was working with, a spiritual counselor for about eight months and she is a runner again. I mean, it's unbelievable. But I mean, you can, you can have healing and that's, I mean, wow. I just can't imagine going from not walking all that time and thinking that this is your life to being able to walk again. Did you ever ride a horse again? I have. I don't. I'm very careful about it because those are, If I, the doctor has said, if I fall off again in that way, that it's lights out. So let's not do that. But I do, if you see my videos, I work out very rigorously, lift heavy weights, have no problem with it. Um, I train and I think that's important to me is my training and everything. Cause my mother has bad osteoporosis and my grandmother, and I don't want that program. So I'm very careful about that. Keeping my body in shape. I had an ankle replacement, so I couldn't work out for about three years, and I, you know, had got really heavy, but then as soon as I could go back, I went back. Um, so it's, those things are important to me, but I also think, back to your point, we are, in my opinion, in the end times. In the end times, you're going to see a lot of miracles happen. You're going to see a lot of horrible things happen, but you're going to also see a lot of miracles happen and that's very biblical. So I believe that yes, all this stuff is happening right now for a reason. It's going to get worse. It's also going to lead to a lot of miracles for people that are believers or unbelievers to be called to God and to be called to their savior. So I think that's really important, to watch for at this time. In addition to seeing everything else happening, watch for the miracles all around you because they are there and Jesus will perform them because he said he would. They're going to see him in the end times. That's beautiful. And I agree 100 percent as well. So thank you so much, Deandra for sharing everything. And we're just, Being my guest and not even knowing me and agreeing to be on the show. So I appreciate it. And I had a wonderful time talking with you. We have a lot of things in common and if I come to South Dakota, I'm going to come see you.