Amazing Grace Talk
Erika Seamayer-Williamson was a single mom for over sixteen years. Even though she and her daughter’s father had been divorced eight years, she endured many challenges with two separate court battles in a five year period. This crisis in her life led her to a strong relationship with God. Desperate to live a "normal" life with her daughter, they attended and volunteered at their beloved church in Downtown Dallas. “This is what got us through”, Erika said. Fast forward to marrying in 2011. Erika married her 5th grade boyfriend! She moved from Spearfish, South Dakota to her home state of Texas. It was a tough transition. In 2009, Erika had moved to South Dakota and finally discovered a peaceful life that she had longed for. She loved her Mountain Life! She traveled back-and-forth between Texas and South Dakota to serve her Permanent Makeup Clients. While staying at a friend’s Bed & Breakfast, she found a small book,"The Prayer of Jabez" by Bruce Wilkinson. As she began reading and praying the prayer from Chronicles 4:20, her ministry began. After years of seeking God's will for her life, the picture was finally becoming clear. At this time, she also discovered her spiritual gifts exhortation, which is lifting and building up others in the spirit of discernment, She began ministering 2 to 3 times per week then 4 to 5 and so on. In 2016, Erika founded Amazing Grace Retreats, in the Black Hills of South Dakota. She wanted to create a safe place for women to relax, forgive, discover, heal, and fellowship with like-minded women. Her mission is to help women find clarity, overcome struggles, and discover their true calling in life.
In 2020, she started Amazing Grace Talk, a Podcast. Erika interviews those who have experienced God’s Amazing Grace, have overcome struggles, traumas, miraculous healings, as well as stories of success despite challenges. Erika's desire is to help encourage others with these amazing stories and through her reviews she has done just that. 🥰
In 2022, Erika met ShelleyJane and a ministry connection was immediately formed. Together they created Amazing Grace Ministries to “house” all the branches that were now being released under the ministry. With both of their extensive backgrounds, they have added Freedom Ministries, Lifestyle Coaching, Transformation Courses, and the Amazing Grace Retreat-Lifestyle Membership! This will be an exclusive, inner circle to partner together through the transformation God has for all of us. Erika and ShelleyJane are also very excited to introduce Amazing Grace Ministries helping single Moms and their children through difficult situations. We are humbled and thrilled to partner with God and His will on the earth.🌍 https://www.theamazinggracelifestyle.com/missions
Amazing Grace Talk
Our Journey Through the Crucible of Cancer (Glenn & Susan Lauth)
Glenn and Susan were some of the 1st people my husband Erik and I met when we joined Trinity Church. Erik and I had taken on a leadership role for greeters and first-time guests/VIPs and they came to the initial meeting and were extremely helpful and friendly.
Since they had been members of Trinity for over 35 years at the time, we were appreciative of their love and support.
It was later that I learned of Susan's battle with breast cancer. We discussed them being on the show/podcast and so here we are! This is a heartfelt journey that will touch your heart and soul and hopefully ignite your passion for Christ and faith in HIM.
A note from Glenn:
Susie and I met three weeks before the prom our junior year in high school. I asked her to prom and we began dating. She started attending church with me and gave her life to Jesus in July. We dated all that summer and in January of our senior year, I proposed, Susie turned 18 in February, I turned 18 in May, we graduated June 3rd and we got married on July 18th at 2:30 in the afternoon and left at 6:30 that evening headed for Texas and have been here ever since. I graduated from CFNI in May of 1983 and became a career firefighter in 1985. We have three children, 2 daughters, and one son, and now have 5 grandchildren.
In July of 2017, Susie was diagnosed with breast cancer. It started a year of chemo, surgery, more chemo, and radiation. Through it all, she had NOT ONE OUNCE OF NAUSEA OR VOMITING and we've never heard of anyone going through that like that. God blessed her mightily and used her to minister to others going through cancer during that time with her spirit and attitude. God spoke to me and her through it all with numerous words and miracles, financially and physically.
#cancer # survivor #Trinitychurch
Other helpful links:
Amazing Grace Retreats
The Road Adventure
Trinity Church (Erika's home church)
Blue Diamond Roofing & Construction
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THE DUKE BURGLAR-Politely robbing you of unwanted smells. Let the thieves naturally clean the air, so that no one will know you were there!
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